
really lost in translation

in school we have to do a collaborative project with the japanese students. i'm the only girl in a group of japanese boys. most the japanese class was making big joke of it (mainly directed by james teasing me in japanese), it was funny. i only wish i had known what they were saying so i could have been laughing with reason. after joining the boys I realized neither of them speaks a lick of english. and i know like 5 words of japanese, make that 4...so this is obviously going to be insanely complicated to make some art with them (due june 14). our theme is "regarding the pain of others."  they showed images from a girl who photographed her sister going through the burial process: from wrapping her in her room, to being surrounded by flowers at the funeral. it was really amazing to see how she photographically dealt with it. i looked at the series and could immediately tell what it was about. 

for our collaborative project, we had to sit around and brainstorm aka discuss ideas. initially, there was no discussing. there was lots of hand motions and shaking of heads and frowns and laughter. 

i'm really excited for the challenge. i realized i'm paired with two good photographers. and they shoot film. so we're kinda a great match; it shouldn't be hard for our styles to mesh into one piece.

tomorrow, we're going out together to scout for locations!