
Personal Works:

My personal work is taking a very drastic turn from my usual style: http://www.elainemillerphoto.com/ Without thinking about it, I started photographing all the surveillance cameras I saw; they are everywhere! It immediately reminded me of Kenneth Anger's 'I'll be watching you' short film.  I started taking my collection of these images seriously and will continue shooting them the entire time I am here.  I'm not sure where this is going just yet, but I think I could be on to something...these need a lot of work and editing, but here's a peek.

I've started to really give my visual attention to the environment they are in.  The past couple days I've been more interested in the line work around the cameras, rather than the camera itself.  

I took some video following Audim (assistant sensei) around in a crowd after the baseball game.  I was thinking about Vito Acconci, who did a series of following strangers around until they went into a personal space.  I'd really like to find a way to successfully use my photographs and video in once piece.