
Culture Lessons:

School work consists of Japanese language and culture lessons from the great Scotto.  He has been living here 20+ years and tells us all these great stories about Japan.  He went on a mountain used for Buddhist training (men only, hmmmph).  The small slits in the mountain represent the womb.  They will move in and out of them to symbolize rebirth.  Death is symbolized by literally feeling like you are going to die.  Scott put his arms through a butterfly tied rope and was suspended face first over a cliff.  The ONLY thing holding him was a man who would enhance this feeling by letting him slip further down the cliff before pulling him back up.  We decided at some point someone has probably been dropped, adios amigos.

On this same mountain, there is a rock ball that is light and easy to pick up, but only after rubbing it.  If you hit the rock it becomes almost too heavy to lift. True story, watched a video.  And I totally love believing in them.