
Art House Project via bikes.

Shanti fell off her bike. And James fell off the rocks.
Backside of the Moon, James Turrell

Art house project consisted of 8 houses that were renovated by artists.  My favorite was the James Turrell house, Minamider, which houses his piece, Backside of the Moon. You entered complete darkness and had to wait for your eyes to adjust before you could see the piece.  I love how he physically forces you to patiently wait for the work to emerge-- it's refreshing, especially in a world where we are constantly bombarded with images and instant feedback. 

Yitian always wears a 'hello panda' shirt. If only he had it on for this one...

Sugimoto Shrine

Entrance below shrine

looking out, the ocean is reflected on the walls.  This doesn't do it justice. 

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