

I have never seen another airplane while flying. I loved it!

3pm Disco Party

My boyfriends! (group partners)

my perfected dragon dance


Our final show: Itamu

Suzanne Wyss

Zack Dubuisson's Ugly Americans

Goodbye BBQ

Farewell Dinner

Parts of this crab have fallen on people

It breaks Zack's heart to leave Japan

James and Genki

Our favorite restaurant.  All you can drink for $12 for 90 minutes.

miss good, healthy, inexpensive japanese food so much!

Yitian shared his pigs ear cartilage with us. had the same consistency of raw jellyfish 

Goodbye Shinsabashi

midnight stroll with her puppies. they're a family :)

29% off

Our professor James loves to wear crazy shoes.

Den Den Town

Den Den town consists mainly of sex toy/porn stores, and comic/action figure stores.  

For ages 5+

Pictures weren't allowed inside most the comic stores so this was the best we could do.

SLUM, a 7 story porn store.

Osaka Aquarium

When ready to leave, we couldn't find Kevin. 

Kyoto University

We presented our work to the Kyoto University photography students followed by a discussion panel.

Because of the rice paper wall, they put these wood panels over them so we could project our presentation


Random Kyoto

On our way to Kyoto riding such a fancy train. Part of this one were double decker.

These two worked at a fancy night club.


We rode in a taxi, which have lace covered seats